Additional Resources


Evidence Based Birth: Organization for access to evidence-based information and research concerning labor and birth.

Spinning Babies: Organization for education on the relationship between your pregnant body and your baby to improve birth and postpartum.

Alternative Naissance: Community outreach organization for perinatal support.

Nourri-Source Federation

Québec Association of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants

Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada

Canadian Pediatric Society

Québec National Institute of Public Health: List of associations, organizations and support groups for pregnancy to 2 years old.

Québec Federation for Family Planning (French website)

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada

Québec organizations that support survivors of sexual assault

SOS Grossesse: Pro-choice organization that provides free, neutral and anonymous support and information for any person experiencing pregnancy-related concerns, who has questions about pregnancy and abortion or questions about contraception.